On Mar 22, 2006, at 6:06 AM, Jimbo1 wrote:

lab (who uses MySQL to manage their terabyte data warehouse) said, "We
chose MySQL over PostgreSQL primarily because it scales better and has
embedded replication.".".

The "one size fits all" style replication. What if it doesn't suit your needs? And as for scalability, I have to doubt the knowledge of the person making that claim....

If any PostgreSQL devotees on this group can comment on the above and
its accuracy/inaccuracy, I'd really appreciate it.

Basically you need to decide what you need your DB to do, then decide what kind of licensing you want, then decide which product fits your bill. If all you're doing is simple store/fetch then mysql will do (heck, even SQLite will do). If you need complex things like triggers, foreign keys, etc. then think again about using mysql... even if they check off those as features, you need to evaluate their stability and speed.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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