...I can think of two really high
profile Postgresql installs that have recently been discussed:

1. The Wisconsin Court System, search the archives for a recent post about this.
2. The entire .org and .info domains are stored in a Postgresql database.

I am sure there are many more.

Yup, Sony Online Entertainment springs to mind. They just selected (and invested in) EnterpriseDB. EnterpriseDB is, at it's core, PostgreSQL but it has been altered in a number of ways - primarily to enhance Oracle compatibility so that PG can be more of a drop-in replacement for programs that require Oracle.

From their press release:
"EnterpriseDB Advanced Server is the clear open source database choice because of its PostgreSQL foundation, compatibility with Oracle and the support of the EnterpriseDB team,“ said Christopher Yates, vice president of technology at Sony Online Entertainment."

Their whole press-release is at:


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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