Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Tue, Mar 21, 2006 at 11:41:11PM -0800, Steven Brown wrote:

I want to allow access to a table's rows without allowing that table to be damaged. A problem I have is with my serial primary key 'id' field. Although I can block its UPDATE, if users INSERT with an explicit 'id' higher than the sequence, future INSERTs will fail due to the values colliding. Ditto if users modify the sequence (setval) to be lower than existing 'id' fields. This is rather bad, as it prevents anyone/anything from INSERTing until fixed by manual intervention.

IIRC you can set the permissions on a sequence to allow nextval but not

Wouldn't it be possible to use nextval as default column value (what serial types do) and only allow to select currval? I suppose that depends on 'who' calls nextval when it's the default value; would be nice if that'd be the sequence owner (more likely the table owner) in this case.

That way they really can't touch the sequence; otherwise they still could call nextval multiple times erroneously (people do that...). It doesn't matter much to the sequence, of course... It just leaves the ugly gaps out :P

Just shooting some arrows, I may miss the target.

Alban Hertroys

magproductions b.v.

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