create a view with insert/update/delete rules and DON'T let the users assign to the serial col. remove insert/upload/delete permission to the base table and only allow access via the view.
---------- Original Message ----------- From: Steven Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Csaba Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Alban Hertroys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martijn van Oosterhout <>, Postgres general mailing list <> Sent: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 05:44:06 -0800 Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Enforcing serial uniqueness? > Csaba Nagy wrote: > >> That way they really can't touch the sequence; otherwise they still > >> could call nextval multiple times erroneously (people do that...). It > >> doesn't matter much to the sequence, of course... It just leaves the > >> ugly gaps out :P > > > > The sequence facility was NOT designed with no-gap sequencing in mind, > > but with good parallel performance in mind. > > Gaps are fine. All I want is safe uniqueness. What is an issue for me > is a user having INSERT permission being able to shut down all INSERTs > from everyone else until someone manually figures out what happened and > fixes it, ditto for UPDATE permission on a sequence (which they need in > order to use nextval so they know what id the row they inserted will > have, right?), which seems extremely dangerous to me. > > For example, forcing a value above the sequence position: > > CREATE TABLE foo(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY); > -- Forcing a value above the sequence position, > INSERT INTO foo(id) VALUES(1); > -- Causes future INSERT failures for everyone: > INSERT INTO foo DEFAULT VALUES; > > If cache=1, possibly using a trigger on id to check that the next value > of the sequence will be greater than it would solve this if there's not > some reason that's unsafe/unworkable - e.g., is the sequence's position > guaranteed to have been updated before a BEFORE trigger (needed if > nextval is the default as in serial columns), and will the default taken > be available to a BEFORE? > > And the other example: > > CREATE TABLE foo(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY); > INSERT INTO foo DEFAULT VALUES; > -- User with UPDATE for foo_id_seq can call setval as well as nextval, > SELECT setval('foo_id_seq', 1, false); > -- Causing future INSERT failures for everyone: > INSERT INTO foo DEFAULT VALUES; > > I'm not sure how to solve this given UPDATE permission on sequences is > for both nextval and setval. If I could block/restrict setval somehow > that would fix this. > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? > > ------- End of Original Message ------- ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?