On Donnerstag, Dez 15, 2005, at 12:11 Europe/Berlin, Tino Wildenhain
Marc Brünink schrieb:
Hi list,
Now I'l try a custom dump. Perhaps this will suffice. But I guess
it's impossible for a dump to be as fast as a cp. So if a cp would
be possible I would favour it. Oh, and did I tell: Everything have to
be done tommorow..... *sigh*
Actually its faster. Custom dump is the way to go
because its much more flexible then dumping plaintext.
Since the dump only dumps DDL and Data, its much less
data then your pg_data directory currently has.
Oh yes! It's damn fast! All hail to the postgres crew! Gosh. My dump
file is just 1.3 GB big. Impressive.
I'm looking forward for the import. Guess I'll get another surprise...
I used:
pg_dump -f shape.postgresql -F c -o -U postgres -Z 9 -v shape
One last thing:
Will I have to re-cluster my tables?
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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