This link explains lot of useful techniques for backup and restore
On 12/15/05, Marc Brünink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi list, > > I know this was asked a lot of times on this mailing list. But actually > no reply satisfied me :-) > However: I've a running postgres database. It's about 6 GB big. Now I > want to copy this database to another host. Clearly pg_dumpall comes to > the mind. But there're 2 problems: > > 1. The new host hasn't got an internet connection. So I've to copy the > data via DVD. Doesn't sound like a problem, eh? But it is! I've to copy > the database to 4 different hosts. So let's calculate: 4 hosts, about > 30 GB of sql statements (plain), therefore about 8 DVDs = lot's of > annoying DVD changes. Which brings me to the next problem. Time. > > 2. All these 4 hosts have to be updated within 2-3 hours. Which is > simply impossible with a plain text export. If I remember correctly the > initial import of the data took about 3-4 hours. On a Sun 240. So I'll > took much longer on a (much slower) i386 system. > > Because of these problems I tought about just cp the data folder. This > didn't work. Is there some sort of evil trick to do so? Is postgres > binary compatible? (Wouldn't be a huge problem if it's not) > > Now I'l try a custom dump. Perhaps this will suffice. But I guess it's > impossible for a dump to be as fast as a cp. So if a cp would be > possible I would favour it. Oh, and did I tell: Everything have to be > done tommorow..... *sigh* > > > Many thanks > Marc > > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? > > > -- Regards Pandu ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly