Is it possible to create zero config installation by using connecton string 
and simply including odbc dll files (odbc32.dll, odbcint.dll, odbccp32.dll ) 
with application ?

This is a lot simpler for end user, no manual config required.

"William Yu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> VFP will run in WINE up to VFP version 8. But the people I talk to that 
>> are doing this are using VFP's native tables. Does anyone know if it's 
>> possible to run VFP8 in WINE and connect to Postgresql on a Linux server? 
>> I think part of the question here is how would WINE emulate the ODBC to 
>> get to the Postgresql server.
> I can confirm FoxPro running under Wine/Linux can access Postgres via ODBC 
> and performs nearly comparable to FoxPro under Windows. I got 90%+ 
> performance on some of my data processing programs. Where you do get 
> really slow is accessing DBFs over the network because NFS is so 
> inefficient.
> It doesn't work with UnixODBC so you need to install the Postgres Windows 
> ODBC driver under WINE. Double-click on the ODBC installer, then type: 
> wine odbcad32.exe to launch the config file. 

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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