Here's what I do. Once I get a good config, I just tarball my .wine dir
and untarball it for any Linux/WINE box I need to get running.
For users already running WINE w/ their own app configs already, then
copying the files manually into the appropriate dirs and then appending
the necessary text into the various config files will also work. WINE
doesn't store registry settings in Windows' binary registry format.
Instead, it's all flat text so installs are scriptable.
Andrus wrote:
Is it possible to create zero config installation by using connecton string
and simply including odbc dll files (odbc32.dll, odbcint.dll, odbccp32.dll )
with application ?
This is a lot simpler for end user, no manual config required.
"William Yu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
VFP will run in WINE up to VFP version 8. But the people I talk to that
are doing this are using VFP's native tables. Does anyone know if it's
possible to run VFP8 in WINE and connect to Postgresql on a Linux server?
I think part of the question here is how would WINE emulate the ODBC to
get to the Postgresql server.
I can confirm FoxPro running under Wine/Linux can access Postgres via ODBC
and performs nearly comparable to FoxPro under Windows. I got 90%+
performance on some of my data processing programs. Where you do get
really slow is accessing DBFs over the network because NFS is so
It doesn't work with UnixODBC so you need to install the Postgres Windows
ODBC driver under WINE. Double-click on the ODBC installer, then type:
wine odbcad32.exe to launch the config file.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not