Dear Postgresql experts,

For some time I had been trying to work out why every connection to my database resulted in several megabytes of data being written to the disk, however trivial the query. I think I've found the culprit: global/pgstat.stat. This is with 7.4.7.

This is for a web application which uses a new connection for each CGI request. The server doesn't have a particularly high disk bandwidth and this mysterious activity had been the bottleneck for some time. The system is a little unusual as one of the databases has tens of thousands of tables (though I saw these writes whichever database I connected to).

Looking at the output of vmstat I could see about 2.7Mbytes being written up to about 5 seconds after the query was processed. I was scratching my head about this for a long time, but today I noticed that this size was just a little larger than my global/pgstat.stat file. So I turned off stat_start_collector and stats_row_level and the writes vanished. Turing them back on, the pgstats.stats file is much smaller (10k) and the writes are invisible against the background noise.

So can I expect this file to grow again? I think I need the stats, though I'm not entirely sure about that.

Was the entire file re-written, even when the only query I've run is "select 1"? Is this necessary?

Any comments or suggestions gratefully received.


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