On Dec 17, 2004, at 11:10 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

Fascinating. As far as I can tell on my machine, 10.3.7 did not change
the kernel IPC limits. So if it's not working for you guys that would
suggest that 10.3.7 added some new background usage of IPC resources,
which in combination with the PG postmaster exceeds the same-as-it-ever-
was kernel limit.

If ipcs worked then we'd have some chance of investigating this, but OS
X doesn't provide ipcs.  (Thank you Apple ... not)

FWIW, my installation of PG on OS X defaults to
max_connections = 50
shared_buffers = 300
because values higher than that exceed the default kernel limits.

It looks like yours has 100/1000 --- did you hand-modify that? Or maybe
you hand-modified the kernel limits? Another possible explanation is
that the 10.3.7 update overwrote any local changes you'd made to the IPC

                        regards, tom lane

I dropped the shared_buffers from 300 (the number determined by initdb) to 200 and I am now able to start the server.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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