On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 16:23:19 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick B
Kelly) wrote:

>On Nov 23, 2004, at 3:59 PM, Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>> On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 15:37:56 -0400 (AST), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> ("Marc G. Fournier") wrote:
>>> Due to recent action by Google concerning the  
>>> comp.databases.postgresql.*
>>> hierarchy, we are going to make some changes that should satisfy just
>>> about everyone ... over the next 24hrs or so, traffic *to*
>>> comp.databases.postgresql.* from the mailing lists will cease and be
>>> re-routed to pgsql.* instead ... on our server (and we encourage  
>>> others to
>>> do the same), the comp.* groups will be aliased to the new pgsql.*
>>> hierarchy, so that posts to the old groups will still get through ...
>> So you're basically going to make it worse than it already was and to
>> hell with everyone who was working to correct it, right?  We'll surely
>> block propigation with that setup.
>Marc appears to be the only one NOT making this situation worse. Let's  

Yes, let's do.

> Since Mike Cox's unsolicited attempt to "fix" a problems that  
>he perceived, what has happened?  The list has been deluged with  
>countless angry process oriented messages filled with vitriol and  
>devoid of any content regarding the purpose of this forum, we have been  
>bombarded with profanity, and the lists have been dropped from google.

The latter is because NSPs are cleaning up bogus groups, not because
of attempts to correct the problem.

>This seems like it was a fool's errand from the beginning and Marc has  
>done nothing but try to cooperate to the extent reasonable.

No, it wasn't and no, he hasn't. Not in the least.  In fact, just the

>That does not include jumping through every hoop that anyone holds up for him.

Every hoop?  Making the groups valid in USENet may be a hoop, but it's
only one. He hasn't even attempted to walk NEAR the hoop, let alone
jump through it.  

It's becomming clear that the best thing to do is simply drop the
groups, just as google has done.  You'll be relegated to only a few
servers.  If that's what you want, why not just drop the newsfeed all
together?  Save everyone the trouble.

>>> In order to improve propogation, as always, we welcome anyone wishing  
>>> to
>>> carry these groups to email [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get added on as a direct
>>> peer ...
>> You're still trying to shove your list up USENet's ass instead of
>> doing it the proper way.  Why is that?
>I will not speak for Marc but say that as a member of the mailing list,  
>I think he does an excellent job of advocating the best interests of  
>the postgres community and I support his decisions. You can make any  
>accusations you like but we know what a good job Marc does and  
>appreciate Marc's efforts on our behalf.

So ensuring that postgres shows up on LESS NSP servers than it does
now is a good thing?  Making sure that people CAN'T discuss postgres
in the same way they discuss Oracle, Informix, Sybase and others is
advocating the best interests of the postgres community?   Alienating
the very server operators who would carry said groups is fine with

Amazing.  Simply amazing.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dot com          
                  How you look depends on where you go.
Gary L. Burnore                       |  ÝÛ³ºÝ³Þ³ºÝ³³Ýۺݳ޳ºÝ³Ý³Þ³ºÝ³ÝÝÛ³
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