
I'm not clear on what exactly "as a whole" means, but I would suggest
that arbitrary and peremptory behaviour, perceived or real, is not
likely to endear the pgsql community to Usenet newsmasters.

All I meant was, has core talked about it? Personally I think the fact that Marc has been as patient as he has with the whole process says a lot.

I personally gave up on USENET years ago but if the community deems usenet a good idea, then so be it :)


Joshua D. Drake


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Command Prompt, Inc., home of PostgreSQL Replication, and plPHP.
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Mammoth PostgreSQL Replicator. Integrated Replication for PostgreSQL
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note:Command Prompt, Inc. is the largest and oldest US based commercial PostgreSQL support provider. We  provide the only commercially viable integrated PostgreSQL replication solution, but also custom programming, and support. We authored  the book Practical PostgreSQL, the procedural language plPHP, and adding trigger capability to plPerl.

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      subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
      message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

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