[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Net Virtual Mailing Lists") wrote in 

> Yeah.. I'm with you.. I don't really know what all of this is about - I
> like the way the Postgres mailing list works as it is.... Are any of the
> changes being discussed here going to change the content or how we
> receive the mailing lists?..

As far as i think:
There will be no change to how the system is today. PostgreSQL mailing 
lists is already gatewayed to news server all of the world. The process 
which is ongoing only make the existing lists on usenet more approved and 
therefor even more servers will caryy them. 

Today we who want to access the lists through a news server need to connect 
to news.postgresql.org or find another provider who support the 

Rolf Østvik

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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