On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Todd P Marek wrote:

> Hello-
> I am in the process of translating a site using mysql as the backend
> over to postgres.  I have a lot of time data that I would like to
> display to the user in the form of a schedule.
> I am using the to_char function to make the times human friendly
>       to_char(class_schedule.endtime, 'HH:MI:SS AM')
> which returns
>       06:30:00 AM - 07:30:00 AM
> I am really looking to get it outputting like this.
>       6:30 AM - 7:30 AM

For the seconds, do you want seconds if it's not 00, or do you just not
want seconds at all? Because removing :SS will get rid of the seconds

For the leading 0s, you'd probably need to do a user defined function to
trim them off, but it'd probably be relatively simple use of ltrim, so you
might do something like:

create function format_time(time) returns text as '
 select ltrim(to_char($1, ''HH:MI AM''), ''0'')' language 'sql';

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