I would thought it would be an obvious try:

cnagy=> select to_char(now(), 'HH:MM AM');
 04:10 PM
(1 row)

On Tue, 2004-10-05 at 16:32, Todd P Marek wrote:
> Hello-
> I am in the process of translating a site using mysql as the
> backendover to postgres.  I have a lot of time data that I would like
> todisplay to the user in the form of a schedule.  
> I am using the to_char function to make the times human friendly
> to_char(class_schedule.endtime, 'HH:MI:SS AM')
> which returns
> 06:30:00 AM - 07:30:00 AM
> I am really looking to get it outputting like this.
> 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM
> I have looked through the documentation andhaven't found anything to
> do this in postgres.  I am going to have todo this formating in the
> application layer?
> Thanks
> Todd Marek
> "If you think you understand somethingit's habit."
> --Gary Kraftsow--

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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