Thomas Hallgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ... My suggestion is not that you take on more work but 
> rather that the comittee is allowed to grow and take on responsabilities 
> and people beyond the developers of the core database.

Enlarging the core committee by the amount you seem to be thinking of
would transform it into something quite different than it is now
(in particular it would be too large to make decisions effectively,
IMHO).  And I don't see that it actually accomplishes anything.

The real issue here is finding someone to do the work --- it's notable
that this thread has been going on for some time now and no one has
actually stepped up and volunteered to *do* anything.  I think if there
were someone out there willing to do it, they could and would do it,
with or without core's blessing.

                        regards, tom lane

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