Hi Tom, > Good, but you're not there yet --- the Sort step shouldn't be there at > all. You've still got some inconsistency between the ORDER BY and the > index. Check my example again. yes yes I missed that, sorry. Now don't mention the performance because I couldn' see anything but the result. :)
In general I'd like to draw the consequences. What kind of theories should I keep in mind when I want to choose an appropriate index key? I ask it bacause I'm trying to optimize an other query of mine and I'm facing some more problems. I have this query: (note, that the planner uses t_stockchanges_fullindex, instead of t_stockchanges_fullindex4 which is exactly what I would need) ======================== explain analyze select getup, (select dir from t_changes where id=changeid) as dir from t_stockchanges where stockid='1' and productid='428' and date>='2004.06.01' and date<='2004.06.29' order by stockid, productid, date; QUERY PLAN Sort (cost=7.17..7.17 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=3.00..3.00 rows=5 loops=1) Sort Key: stockid, productid, date -> Index Scan using t_stockchanges_fullindex on t_stockchanges (cost=0.00..7.16 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=1.00..3.00 rows=5 loops=1) Index Cond: ((date >= '2004.06.01'::bpchar) AND (date <= '2004.06.29'::bpchar) AND (stockid = 1) AND (productid = 428)) SubPlan -> Seq Scan on t_changes (cost=0.00..1.16 rows=1 width=5) (actual time=0.00..0.00 rows=1 loops=5) Filter: (id = $0) Total runtime: 3.00 msec ======================== And these indexes: ======================== CREATE INDEX t_stockchanges_fullindex4 ON t_stockchanges USING btree (stockid, productid, date); DROP INDEX t_stockchanges_fullindex3; CREATE INDEX t_stockchanges_fullindex3 ON t_stockchanges USING btree (stockid, productid, changeid, date, time); DROP INDEX t_stockchanges_fullindex; CREATE INDEX t_stockchanges_fullindex ON t_stockchanges USING btree (date, stockid, productid, changeid); ======================== If I delete the index t_stockchanges_fullindex, I get the following (better) result. ======================== DROP INDEX t_stockchanges_fullindex; explain analyze select getup, (select dir from t_changes where id=changeid) as dir from t_stockchanges where stockid='1' and productid='428' and date>='2004.06.01' and date<='2004.06.29' order by stockid, productid, date; QUERY PLAN Index Scan using t_stockchanges_fullindex4 on t_stockchanges (cost=0.00..7.33 rows=1 width=46) (actual time=0.00..0.00 rows=5 loops=1) Index Cond: ((stockid = 1) AND (productid = 428) AND (date >= '2004.06.01'::bpchar) AND (date <= '2004.06.29'::bpchar)) SubPlan -> Seq Scan on t_changes (cost=0.00..1.16 rows=1 width=5) (actual time=0.00..0.00 rows=1 loops=5) Filter: (id = $0) Total runtime: 0.00 msec ======================== Recreating the t_stockchanges_fullindex I get the first result - so it is not the case of the creation order of similar indexes or something similar. Is there any explicit way to make the server to use an index of my choice? I thought (from your examples) that it can be done by giving the "where" and "order by" fields in the correct order. But now I seem making mistakes. Thank you for your patience! Best regards, -- Csaba --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.712 / Virus Database: 468 - Release Date: 2004. 06. 27. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster