yes it is vacuumed regulary once a day. And vacuum full is done once a week.

The reasons of the slow seq scan are those two stored procedures in the
field list (get_stock and get_stock_getup). These take 13-20 ms every time
thay executed. Multiplying with the nr of rows we get 11-18 sec.

It is strange that the laptop substantially faster then the server. The
get_stock* functions are executed 2-3 times faster. This is a reason, but I
think it isn't enough. There must be something more there. Next time I'll
try to run a fsck on the data partition. May be it will show something

Thank you all.
Best regards,
   -- Csaba Együd

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alvaro Herrera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 2004. június 27. 3:38
> To: Együd Csaba
> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Performance problem on RH7.1
> On Sat, Jun 26, 2004 at 12:16:17PM +0200, Együd Csaba wrote:
> > I've a problem with the perfprmance of the production environment.
> > I've two db servers. One on my laptop computer (2Ghz, 1GB,
> WinXP, Cygwin,
> > Postgres 7.3.4) and one on a production server (2GHz, 1GB,
> Ultra SCSI,
> > RH7.1, Postgres 7.3.2).
> >
> > I run the same dump and the same query on both of the computers. The
> > difference is substantial.
> > The query takes 5 times longer on the production server
> then on the laptop.
> Are both databases properly vacuumed?  Did you try a VACUUM FULL?  I'm
> wondering why it takes a lot of time seqscanning the
> t_products table in
> the production server compared to the laptop.
> --
> Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
> "Hoy es el primer día del resto de mi vida"
> ---
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