Sounds like an excellent suggestion ... we'll get a copy of this release.

Do you know of any incompatabilities with postgres 7.4 ?

 We can upgrade a server to 7.5 and the JDBC, put running some servers on 7.4/7.4 JDBC 
might be, uhm, difficult for me to sell operations (and we have only seen this problem 
in runtime). We might also be able to look at certain portions of the CVS code and see 
what changed and make backward patches ? (forwarding a suggestion from our engineering 


Greg W.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Kris Jurka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thu 4/29/2004 7:27 PM
To:     Gregory S. Williamson
Cc:     Tom Lane; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:        Re: [GENERAL] "Idle in Transaction" and hung connections 

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Gregory S. Williamson wrote:

> Tom --
> Thanks for the suggestion, and the rapid response on something which may
> not be truely a postgres issue (perhaps more a JDBC thing)!

This behavior is fixed in the 7.5 cvs version of the JDBC driver if you'd
like to try it out.

Kris Jurka

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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