Steve Atkins wrote:
On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 01:17:16PM -0400, CS Wagner wrote:

What I would most desire is a program that pretends to be a postgres server. I can log into it with psql, a jdbc driver, or php's pg_connect. When I do a select (no update) command, it will send that off to the least loaded mirror. When I do an update/insert/delete, it hits all the mirrors. Also, it can designate one database (most likely local to this pretend server) as the master so I can easily clone it to make more mirrors.

Does anything remotely similar to that exist?

Sounds like dbbalancer, but I've no idea whether that's ready for
production use. I supect not.

Possibly pgpool too. See the mailing-list archives for pg-announce (last month) for the details.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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