Hello Everybody! Now i did what i was requesting :) One night with a computer :)) Many-many thanks to all of you :) Below is script to create tables and function to get a path through a tree. It is not a beautiful thing, but it is working :) Maybe you could give me some optimization hints? :) And maybe you could help me with the bug: when i'm calling this function twice in a single connection i'm getting error SELECT id, treetable.data FROM gettree(6,7) where id=treetable.id; ERROR: relation with OID 45041919 does not exist CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "gettree" line 18 at for over select rows Do you have any idea how to deal with it?
Best regards, Anton treefunc-0.0.sql file follows ============================== -- This table is made for feature caching abilities of my function. If -- a tree big enough it will be a time consuming thing to sort it each -- time it is needed. So i'm thinking about caching using timestamp. DROP TABLE treeconfigtable CASCADE; CREATE TABLE treeconfigtable ( date timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO treeconfigtable (date) VALUES ('now'); -- This table is made only to format function's return -- If there is a way not to use it - i'll appreciate any help DROP TABLE pathtable CASCADE; CREATE TABLE pathtable ( id INT4 ); -- Table that stores the tree itself DROP SEQUENCE treesequence CASCADE; CREATE SEQUENCE treesequence START 0 MINVALUE 0; DROP TABLE treetable CASCADE; CREATE TABLE treetable ( id INT4 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT NEXTVAL('treesequence'), parent INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, data VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, blocked boolean DEFAULT FALSE ) -- trigger that stores update time in treeconfigtable DROP FUNCTION treeupdatedfunction (); CREATE FUNCTION treeupdatedfunction () RETURNS TRIGGER AS ' BEGIN UPDATE treeconfigtable SET date = now(); RETURN new; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER treeupdatedtrigger AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON treetable FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE treeupdatedfunction(); -- This is inserts for testing, just a simple tree INSERT INTO treetable (parent,data) VALUES (0,'root'); INSERT INTO treetable (parent,data) VALUES (0,'Chield1'); INSERT INTO treetable (parent,data) VALUES (1,'Chield1Chield1'); INSERT INTO treetable (parent,data) VALUES (0,'Chield2'); INSERT INTO treetable (parent,data) VALUES (3,'Chield2Chield2'); INSERT INTO treetable (parent,data) VALUES (4,'Ch2Ch2Ch1'); INSERT INTO treetable (parent,data) VALUES (4,'Ch2Ch2Ch2'); INSERT INTO treetable (parent,data) VALUES (2,'Ch1Ch1Ch1'); INSERT INTO treetable (parent,data) VALUES (2,'Ch1Ch1Ch2'); -- This is a main function that takes two arguments -- ID of element FROM -- ID of element TO -- and rotating tree making TO element the root element. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gettree (INT4, INT4) RETURNS SETOF pathtable AS ' DECLARE temp RECORD; buf INT4 := 0; buf_record RECORD; temp_id INT4 := 0; record_id INT4 := 0; record_parent INT4 := 0; i INT4 := 0; path RECORD; BEGIN CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temptable AS SELECT * FROM treetable; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tempidtable (id INT4); -- We should start from the destination object id; buf = $2; -- And first of all we should fill buffer with at least one value. FOR temp IN SELECT * FROM temptable WHERE (id = $2 OR parent = $2) AND blocked = FALSE LOOP IF temp.id = $2 THEN INSERT INTO tempidtable (id) VALUES (temp.parent); temp_id = temp.id; temp.id = temp.parent; temp.parent = temp_id; record_id = temp.parent; record_parent = temp.id; UPDATE temptable SET id = temp.id, parent = temp.parent, blocked = TRUE WHERE id = record_id AND parent = record_parent AND blocked = FALSE; ELSE INSERT INTO tempidtable (id) VALUES (temp.id); UPDATE temptable SET id = temp.id, parent = temp.parent, blocked = TRUE WHERE id = temp.id AND parent = temp.parent AND blocked = FALSE; END IF; END LOOP; -- And then we should continue sorting and rotating a tree to get -- succseeded LOOP FOR buf_record IN SELECT id FROM tempidtable LOOP FOR temp IN SELECT * FROM temptable WHERE (id = buf_record.id OR parent = buf_record.id) AND blocked = FALSE LOOP IF temp.id = buf_record.id THEN INSERT INTO tempidtable (id) VALUES (temp.parent); temp_id = temp.id; temp.id = temp.parent; temp.parent = temp_id; record_id = temp.parent; record_parent = temp.id; UPDATE temptable SET id = temp.id, parent = temp.parent, blocked = TRUE WHERE id = record_id AND parent = record_parent AND blocked = FALSE; ELSE INSERT INTO tempidtable (id) VALUES (temp.id); UPDATE temptable SET id = temp.id, parent = temp.parent, blocked = TRUE WHERE id = temp.id AND parent = temp.parent AND blocked = FALSE; END IF; END LOOP; DELETE FROM tempidtable WHERE id=buf_record.id; END LOOP; -- Here we are checking if something left in the buffer -- If nothing - just exit this loop SELECT INTO temp * FROM tempidtable LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; -- Now lets print the path from start to the end SELECT INTO path * from pathtable; buf = $1; LOOP path.id = buf; RETURN NEXT path; IF i = 0 THEN i=1; SELECT INTO temp * from temptable where id=buf; ELSE SELECT INTO temp * from temptable where id=buf AND blocked = TRUE; END IF; UPDATE temptable SET blocked = FALSE WHERE id = temp.id AND parent = temp.parent AND blocked = TRUE; IF FOUND THEN buf = temp.parent; ELSE EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; -- How we do not need temp tables anymore DROP TABLE tempidtable; DROP TABLE temptable; -- And lets finish procedure output :) RETURN NULL; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; ============================== Now select from the function like this: SELECT id, treetable.data FROM gettree(8,5) where id=treetable.id; And you should get a path (treetable.data added only for visualization) id | data ----+---------------- 8 | Ch1Ch1Ch2 2 | Chield1Chield1 1 | Chield1 0 | root 3 | Chield2 4 | Chield2Chield2 5 | Ch2Ch2Ch1 (7 rows) SELECT id, treetable.data FROM gettree(6,7) where id=treetable.id; id | data ----+---------------- 6 | Ch2Ch2Ch2 4 | Chield2Chield2 3 | Chield2 0 | root 1 | Chield1 2 | Chield1Chield1 7 | Ch1Ch1Ch1 (7 rows) ANlr> Hello everybody! ANlr> Does someone know how to build hierarchical queries to the postgresql? ANlr> I have a table with tree in it (id, parent) ANlr> and need to find a way from any point of the tree to any other point. ANlr> And i would like to have a list of all steps from point A to point B ANlr> to make some changes on each step (this is required by the algorythm). ANlr> Here is an example: ANlr> treetable (where tree is stored): ANlr> id parent data ANlr> int4 int4 varchar(255) ANlr> 0 0 root ANlr> 1 0 root's chield 1 ANlr> 2 0 root's chield 2 ANlr> 3 1 root's chield 1 chield 1 ANlr> 4 1 root's chield 1 chield 2 ANlr> 5 2 root's chield 2 chield 1 ANlr> 6 2 root's chield 2 chield 2 ANlr> And i want to get something like this: ANlr> start point "root's chield 2 chield 2" ANlr> finish "root's chield 1 chield 1" ANlr> And the result i need: ANlr> id parent data ANlr> 6 2 root's chield 2 chield 2 ANlr> 2 0 root's chield 2 ANlr> 0 0 root ANlr> 1 0 root's chield 1 ANlr> 4 1 root's chield 1 chield 2 ANlr> i know that it is possible in Oracle but what about postgres? ANlr> Best regards, ANlr> Anton Nikiforov ANlr> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- ANlr> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings С уважением, IT Директор ООО "Лотэко" Антон Никифоров Тел.: +7 095 7814200 Факс: +7 095 7814201 Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.loteco.ru ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings