
All due respect to everyone but political correctness is essentially the living with the feeling that you are a politician.
I am not a politician, neither is Command Prompt. We are a business, we have opinions, views and a sense of humor.
These traits may or may not be representative of other people's views, opinions and or sense of humor. If it is not
to your liking, don't view it, and don't purchase a shirt of mug.

Personally I have no problem standing up and saying, we going to eat you alive because in my not so humble opinion,
and my very business plan states that our purpose is insure that PostgreSQL is the number one choice for database use
in the small to medium size business. If that means I upset some people along the way... well I am not a politician, I don't
have to make everybody happy.


Joshua D. Drake

Ron Johnson wrote:

On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 17:15, Christopher Browne wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean Chittenden) writes:


A coworker made the snide remark that anyone that doesn't totally "get
it" is likely to really wonder about the notion of roasting a dolphin
over a spit.

Roasting dolphins over the fire isn't exactly politically correct, and
the only people that could "get it" as being funny are those that are
in the advocacy group.

When I saw the image, I had to check at mysql.com to ensure that the dolphin actually *is* the MySQL mascot.


(Note, I say this all as one of the politically-incorrect people that
find jokes involving furry creatures being blown up to be outrageously
funny at some weird visceral level.)


-- Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting. +1-503-222-2783 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.commandprompt.com The most reliable support for the most reliable Open Source database.

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