On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 02:06, Gregory S. Williamson wrote:
> "Oracle = Saturn IV." ?!???
> Perhaps they claim to be. More like a shuttle with pretensions.
> Oracle was utterly unable to support our web site. And then

I'm surprised.  There are many huge Oracle databases out there.

> they wanted a truely preposterous sum for their wretched 
> software.

How do you think Larry pays for his racing yachts?

> Informix, on the other hand, has performed like, well, like a
> Saturn [which, by the way, the US could not build again ...
> apparently they lost the plans]. But it also costs a fair
> bit o' pocket change.

Who's want to build a 40-year-old rocket?

> Now, maybe if we take a couple of Titan IIs and stack them on
> top of each other ...

Better is to take a bunch of Titan engines and make a big lift

> Greg Williamson
> DBA GlobeXplorer LLC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thu 9/18/2003 10:30 PM
> To:   scott.marlowe
> Cc:   Steve Crawford; Scott Holmes; PgSQL General ML
> Subject:      Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL versus MySQL 
> "scott.marlowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ... Being honest and fair will win 
> > hearts and minds, and when they need the Saturn 4 instead of the Estes
> > rocket, they'll remember who to come to.
> I like this analogy, though maybe you've overstretched.  Perhaps:
> MySQL = Estes.  Put in InnoDB, and you have a D engine ... but it's
> still a model rocket.
> Postgres = Titan II.  Can boost LEO missions or small interplanetary
> probes.  Never mind its ICBM heritage ;-)
> Oracle = Saturn IV.  Can take you to the moon ... if you can afford
> the price tag.

Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA

Spit in one hand, and wish for peace in the other.
Guess which is more effective...

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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