Title: RE: [GENERAL] anyone use Ora2Pg?

--howdy - thanks for the reply -

--i must be so far out of it, then - i
--have a sinble 1.2Ghz proc with a table
--that has about half a million rows.

On an old dual pentium 400Mhz intel box with 40MBs SCSI and 7200 RPM
drives I loaded > million rows in less than an hour.

--no indexes, triggers or anything useful.

Are there any indexes on this table? Any triggers?

--not sure about how to send this; i don't have multiple
--schemas created ... everything is sorta lumped together.
--how can i display the schema definition?

Can we see the schema definition of this table?

--PostgreSQL 7.2.1.

What version of PostgreSQL?


What type of machine is this? TRS-80 perhaps? ;-)

--but seriously, using '\copy' worked that well for
--you? ... something else is going on, then ...


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