Title: RE: [GENERAL] anyone use Ora2Pg?


--okay, then i'm doing something silly. :(

--what i did the first time was to copy
--data from a text file.  basically, i did this:

\copy t_table from 'file.txt' using delimiters '|'

--and that was taking too long.  i got the bright
--idea to use a perl script to load data with
--'insert'.  that, too, is taking too long.

--so, i remembered the Ora2Pg tool.

--how did you use copy to move data?


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Frost [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 4:27 PM
To: Johnson, Shaunn
Cc: PgSQL General ML
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] anyone use Ora2Pg?

* Johnson, Shaunn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> --i had tried to use 'copy', but it was taking
> --so long ... it took over a weekend to load
> --about the same amount of records as using 'insert' (i have
> --been running this program for over 2 days and only
> --have 2800 records to show out of 1/2 a million records).
> --i was looking for something faster.  could be my server ...
> --looking at the system usage, it doesn't seem very high.

Something sounds pretty off.  It didn't take nearly that long for me to
load up a fair bit of data.


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