"scott.marlowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Not so sure on whether the foot gun is a good idea.  We already have .22 
> calibre foot gun (fsync) that makes for pretty big improvements in load 
> speed, and we see people all the time on General and Performance running 
> production servers with it turned off.  You know as well as I do the 
> second we make WAL optional, some people are gonna start running 
> production servers with it.

Well, yeah, they will.  On a noncritical server, is that a sin?  I mean,
if we offer fsync-off, it's not clear to me that offering WAL-off makes
the difference between venial and mortal sin.  Seems to me we're just
putting the weapons in the display case.  fsync = .22, WAL = .45,
but you shoot your foot with either one it's still gonna ruin your day.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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