On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Marc G. Fournier wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, scott.marlowe wrote:
> > Not so sure on whether the foot gun is a good idea.  We already have .22
> > calibre foot gun (fsync) that makes for pretty big improvements in load
> > speed, and we see people all the time on General and Performance running
> > production servers with it turned off.  You know as well as I do the
> > second we make WAL optional, some people are gonna start running
> > production servers with it.
> it shouldn't be too difficult to put some sort of restrictions on its
> usual ... say if WAL disabled, max connections == 2? :)

Even better, restrict logins to superuser only, that way we could still 
have more than 2 things happening (think of a machine with a huge number 
of disks in a RAID array kinda thing) or only updateable / writeable by 
the superuser when in non-WAL mode.

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