> These things are quite important when you have to convince your boss :-)
Convincing boss just say: "Caugh board or use postgresql".

Meaning of this is that you can't compare comercical or free ware.
Probably you want to use postgre because of its free, if this isn't case
why you won use oracle ?

"Bo Lorentsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 11:55, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> > That's fixed in 7.4. Vacuum in 7.4 prevents index bloat as well. Couple
> > autovacuum daemon or scheduled vacuums, things (hopefully) will be lot
> > than earlier days..
> Are there a list of things that will be done in 7.4, or better a
> development roadmap like the one the Mozilla folks are using ?
> These things are quite important when you have to convince your boss :-)
> /BL
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