On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, Tom Lane wrote:

> "scott.marlowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The one thing that should absolutely be turned off is day/month swapping 
> > on dates of the form: 2003-02-22.
> Agreed on that.  YYYY-DD-MM isn't used in the real world AFAIK, and it's
> reasonable to treat it as an error.
> > I've seen little actual defense of the current behaviour,
> Other than me, I think you mean.  dd/mm/yyyy and mm/dd/yyyy are
> inherently ambiguous in the real world, and when you can clearly
> determine what the intended meaning is, I think it's more reasonable
> to assume the datestyle isn't set correctly than to reject the data.

I thought the locale set that kind of behaviour didn't it?  If so, then 
it's better to fail loudly then quietly accept bad data.  But if the 
locale doesn't define such a thing, or it can't be set in postgresql.conf, 
the it's best to just avoid that date style altogether.

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