> Is it
> desiarable to default postgresql.conf datestyle to match the locale?
>       #
>       #       Locale settings
>       #
>       # (initialized by initdb -- may be changed)
>       LC_MESSAGES = 'C'
>       LC_MONETARY = 'C'
>       LC_NUMERIC = 'C'
>       LC_TIME = 'C'

Another JPY 2 from the nattou gallery:

Defaulting the datestyle to the locale setting makes sense to me. I
wouldn't want it hardwired to the locale, of course.

I would strongly request having heuristics off in the default settings.

Two conditions I really want on the use of heuristics -- I want the date
itself to include some "fuzzy" flag, and I want some way to reconstruct
the original string. That way, if I want to design an application with
tools for getting operator attention, etc., there are hooks in the data.
But that feels to me like something for the application layer.

Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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