> Is it > desiarable to default postgresql.conf datestyle to match the locale? > > # > # Locale settings > # > # (initialized by initdb -- may be changed) > LC_MESSAGES = 'C' > LC_MONETARY = 'C' > LC_NUMERIC = 'C' > LC_TIME = 'C'
Another JPY 2 from the nattou gallery: Defaulting the datestyle to the locale setting makes sense to me. I wouldn't want it hardwired to the locale, of course. I would strongly request having heuristics off in the default settings. Two conditions I really want on the use of heuristics -- I want the date itself to include some "fuzzy" flag, and I want some way to reconstruct the original string. That way, if I want to design an application with tools for getting operator attention, etc., there are hooks in the data. But that feels to me like something for the application layer. -- Joel Rees, programmer, Kansai Systems Group Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan http://www.alpsgiken.co.jp ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs/FAQ.html