On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:21 AM, Igal @ Lucee.org <i...@lucee.org> wrote:
> Is it still true (the posts I see on this subject are quite old) that I > can not do so in Postgres outside of a stored procedure/function? And if > so, what's the reason of not adding this feature? Seems very useful to me. > <not positive on syntax but the concept should be sound> PREPARE sqlquery AS SELECT * FROM products WHERE col1 LIKE $1 OR col2 LIKE $1; EXECUTE sqlquery('red widget'); Alban's DO blocks are problematic since they are incapable of generating a result set. As Scott said people needing this functionality in PostgreSQL are content with using psql. Adding lots of new custom syntax to pure server-side parsed SQL is a non-trivial undertaking whose need is reduced by the alternatives so described (functions, DO block, PREPARE, psql). David J.