
2017-10-19 17:21 GMT+02:00 Igal @ Lucee.org <i...@lucee.org>:

> Hello,
> In other database servers, which I'm finally dropping in favor of
> Postgres, I can do the following (mind you that this is for illustration
> only, I do not actually write queries like that):
> DECLARE @query varchar(64) = 'red widget';
> FROM products
> WHERE col1 LIKE @query
>    OR col2 LIKE @query
>    OR col3 LIKE @query
>    OR col4 LIKE @query
>    OR col5 LIKE @query
> The point is, though, that I can change the @query variable in one place
> which is very convenient.
> Is it still true (the posts I see on this subject are quite old) that I
> can not do so in Postgres outside of a stored procedure/function?  And if
> so, what's the reason of not adding this feature?  Seems very useful to me.
Currently psql has client side variables. pgAdmin3 has some script language
too - https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin3/1.22/pgscript.html Server side
variables are accessible only inside PLpgSQL variables.

There was lot of discussion about server side variables
https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Variable_Design, but nobody write final
patch. There is not clean result if we want dynamic variables, static
variables or both.

p.s. Your query should be terribly slow. When I see it, I am less sure, so
server side variables are good idea :)



> Thanks,
> Igal Sapir
> Lucee Core Developer
> Lucee.org <http://lucee.org/>

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