On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 11:22 AM, Joe Conway <m...@joeconway.com> wrote:

> On 06/09/2017 08:56 AM, Ken Tanzer wrote:
> > The extra logging would be undesirable.  Is there any way to skip that
> > entirely?  I see with block_log_statement I could dial down the logging
> > after switching users, but that would require the app to be aware of
> > what the current "normal" logging level was.
> Also from the README:
> ---
> Notes:
> If set_user.block_log_statement is set to "off", the log_statement
> setting is left unchanged.
> ---
> So assuming you do not normally have statements being logged, this would
> not change that.
Despite reading that, I was a little uncertain because of it being called
block_log_statement.  It seems like conceptually it's really
log_all_statements, though I suspect you won't want to change the name in

FWIW, it would be clearer at least to me if you took the two statements in
the description:

   - log_statement setting is set to "all", meaning every SQL statement
   executed while in this state will also get logged.
   - If set_user.block_log_statement is set to "on", SET log_statement and
   variations will be blocked. And this one from the notes:

 And this one from the notes:

   - If set_user.block_log_statement is set to "off", the log_statement
   setting is left unchanged.

And combined them together:

If set-user.block_log_statement is set to "on", log_statement setting is
set to "all", meaning every SQL statement executed while in this state will
also get logged.  SET log_statement and variations will be blocked.  If set
to "off," the log statement setting is left unchanged.

> > Any other pitfalls I'm not seeing, or reasons this might be a bad idea?
> As noted in the README, set_user will refuse to run inside a transaction
> block, but other than that none that I know of. Of course if you come up
> with any I'd be very interested to hear about them.
If I go this route, get it up and running and find any, I'll be happy to
let you know. :)

Thanks a lot for your help!


> Joe
> --
> Crunchy Data - http://crunchydata.com
> PostgreSQL Support for Secure Enterprises
> Consulting, Training, & Open Source Development

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