Yes, Adrian -

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 3:57 PM, Adrian Klaver <>

> On 03/14/2017 07:23 AM, Alexander Farber wrote:
>> in _uids array I have all user ids of player.
>> I want to merge his or her data, including reviews, to a single user id:
>> out_uid.
>> So I make a copy of related words_reviews records (where this user has
> Alright I see that you are setting out_uid above the INSERT.
> So you are INSERTing rows and if they CONFLICT you leave them alone and
> have the DELETE remove them, correct?
that is correct and my question is:

copying records for later INSERT ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING seems ineffective
to me.

I would prefer to just use UPDATE (for changing "uid" or "author" columns
to out_uid value) - but how to handle the conflicts with UPDATE?

Thank you

P.S. I have just donated 20 Euro to

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