Good afternoon, I am working on a small game, where the mobile app initially sends social network user data (name, city, gender) to PostgreSQL 9.5 backend and I store that data in a table:
CREATE TABLE words_social ( sid varchar(255) NOT NULL, social integer NOT NULL CHECK (0 <= social AND social <= 6), /* Facebook, Googl+, Twitter, ... */ female integer NOT NULL CHECK (female = 0 OR female = 1), given varchar(255) NOT NULL CHECK (given ~ '\S'), family varchar(255), photo varchar(255) CHECK (photo ~* '^https?://...'), place varchar(255), stamp integer NOT NULL, uid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES words_users ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY(sid, social) ); And then I have another larger table holding the rest of user information: CREATE TABLE words_users ( uid SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, created timestamptz NOT NULL, visited timestamptz NOT NULL, ip inet NOT NULL, ..... win integer NOT NULL CHECK (win >= 0), loss integer NOT NULL CHECK (loss >= 0), draw integer NOT NULL CHECK (draw >= 0), elo integer NOT NULL CHECK (elo >= 0), medals integer NOT NULL CHECK (medals >= 0), coins integer NOT NULL ); Whenever the mobile app notices, that the user authenticated against several social networks - I merge his data in my custom function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION words_merge_users( in_users jsonb, in_ip inet, OUT out_uid integer /* the user id of the merged user */ ) RETURNS RECORD AS $func$ DECLARE _user jsonb; _uids integer[]; -- the variables below are used to temporary save new user stats _created timestamptz; _win integer; _loss integer; _draw integer; _elo integer; _medals integer; _coins integer; BEGIN _uids := ( SELECT ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT uid) FROM words_social JOIN JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(in_users) x ON sid = x->>'sid' AND social = (x->>'social')::int ); ........ -- few users found -> merge their records to a single one IF CARDINALITY(_uids) > 1 THEN SELECT MIN(uid), MIN(created), SUM(win), SUM(loss), SUM(draw), AVG(elo), SUM(medals), SUM(coins) INTO STRICT out_uid, /* this is the new user id */ _created, _win, _loss, _draw, _elo, _medals, _coins FROM words_users WHERE uid = ANY(_uids); -- How to merge words_reviews? Please read below... UPDATE words_social SET uid = out_uid WHERE uid = ANY(_uids); DELETE FROM words_users WHERE uid <> out_uid AND uid = ANY(_uids); UPDATE words_users SET visited = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ip = in_ip, created = _created, win = _win, loss = _loss, draw = _draw, elo = _elo, medals = _medals, coins = _coins WHERE uid = out_uid; END IF; END $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; This works well, but now I have introduced a table where users can rate each other ("author" can rate "uid"): CREATE TABLE words_reviews ( uid integer NOT NULL CHECK (uid <> author) REFERENCES words_users ON DELETE CASCADE, author integer NOT NULL REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE, nice integer NOT NULL CHECK (nice = 0 OR nice = 1), review varchar(255), updated timestamptz NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(uid, author) ); And now I have a problem, because while merging user data I can not just: UPDATE words_reviews /* This will produce conflicts... */ SET uid = out_uid WHERE uid = ANY(_uids); DELETE FROM words_reviews WHERE uid <> out_uid AND uid = ANY(_uids); And same for the authoring part - I can not just: UPDATE words_reviews /* This will produce conflicts... */ SET author = out_uid WHERE author = ANY(_uids); DELETE FROM words_reviews WHERE author <> out_uid AND author = ANY(_uids); Because this might result in PRIMARY KEY(uid, author) conflicts in the words_reviews table. I wish there would be possibility to add ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING /* and drop the review */ to the both UPDATE's above, but there is no such thing described at What would you please recommend in my situation? I'd like to merge user data including reviews and silently drop any conflicting review records... Regards Alex