
On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 10:58:10PM +0000, Dylan Luong wrote:
> I am looking at options to improve our high availability.

I suspect the central question you have to answer is, "What do you
mean by 'improve'?"

Do you want to increase the ability to retrieve data?  Decrease the
potential for data loss?  Shorten the recovery time to read/write
availability?  And so on.  The answers for these different questions
will determine which trade-off you need to make.

And rest assured, there is abolutely no solution in the world -- not
even a really expensive commercial one -- that requires no trades.
Distributing data reliably with ACID semantics and no data loss or
corruption or loss in write throughput is not possible, at least
today.  You have to pick which poison you want :)


Andrew Sullivan

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