
I am a DBA at the University of South Australia. For PostgreSQL High 
Availability, we currently have setup a Master/Slave across two datacenters 
using PostgreSQL (WAL) streaming replication. We use an LTM (load balancer) 
server that sits between the application servers and the PostgreSQL server that 
directs connections to the Master (and the Slave if failover occurs). We also 
have watchdog processes on the PostgreSQL servers that polls the LTM to 
determine who is Master and perform automatic failover if required. I am 
looking at options to improve our high availability.
I would like to know how other organizations in different industries (other 
than education) setup High Availability on their PostgreSQL environments.
What  tools do you use. Are they commercial licensed products? How is the 
architecture setup and how do you do recovery of new slave.
Your information is greatly appreciated.


Dylan Luong
Information Strategy & Technology Services
University of South Australia
A Building, Room E2-07, Mawson Lakes Campus
South Australia  5095

Email:        dylan.lu...@unisa.edu.au<mailto:dylan.lu...@unisa.edu.au>
Phone:    +61 8 83023629
Fax:         +61 8 83023577
WWW:    http://www.unisa.edu.au

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