"Arnaud L." <arnaud.lis...@codata.eu> writes:
> The target databased was restored from the dump in an empty database.
> So what I do is :
> dropdb -U postgres -h localhost db1
> createdb -U postgres -h localhost db1
> psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis" db1
> pg_dump -h pgsql1 -U postgres -b -Fc -E UTF8 -N public -N osm -N osm2 -f 
> "D:\temp.dump" db1
> pg_restore -U postgres -h localhost -j 2 -d db1 "D:\temp.dump"

> That works, no error, no warning.

> Then
> pg_restore -U postgres -h localhost --clean -d db1 "D:\temp.dump"
> fails.

[ squint... ]  That does look like it ought to work.  I wonder if postgis
is doing something weird?  But again, it's impossible to debug this at
this level of detail.  If you can make a test case I'd be happy to look
into it.

                        regards, tom lane

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