On 11/15/2016 07:11 AM, Arnaud L. wrote:
Hi all
Postgresql 9.3.14 on Windows.
Hi am making daily backups of a database and omitting two schemas from
the dump (and the public schema). Those schemas are read-only and have
no dependancy with the rest of the database.
My command is :
pg_dump -h pgsql1 -U postgres -b -Fc -E UTF8 -N public -N osm -N osm2 -f
"D:\db.dump" db1
(I also omit "public" because we use postgis, so it's cleaner for me to
dump without the public schema, then start from an empty database and do
a "create extension postgis" before restoring)
I can successfully restore this dump without any error in an empty
Now, I would like to restore this dump in a database where the
aforementioned schemas have been loaded. So i would like to do a
pg_restore --clean, in order two preserve those two schemas (and the
public one), and to restore everything else.
The restore fails on a lot of statements, complaining about dependencies.
For instance, "cannot drop rule _RETURN on view myview1 because view
myview1requires it". Or "cannot drop constraint mypkey on table my table
because other objects depend on it [list of foreign keys]".
So where are the above objects, eg what schema?
My command is :
pg_restore -U postgres -h pgsql1 --clean -d db1 "D:\db.dump"
I thought that pg_restore was supposed to reorder the objects to honor
dependencies ? How can I get this right ?
To start:
pg_restore -l "D:\db.dump"
to see what pg_restore thinks is the order of restore.
Thanks for your help !
Adrian Klaver
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