
On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 4:13 PM, Bjørn T Johansen <> wrote:

> Yes, the field name is actually dato but changed it to the English variant..

I routinely have databases with english column names for nearly
everything except 'fecha', spanish for date, and 'tipo', spanish for
type which sometimes collides, and things like 'tabla' and 'columna' (
those are easy to translate ) to avoid this kind of problems.

Anyway, when having problems try to just cut & paste the code as it
failes, because something the subtle detail is precisely what is 'lost
in translation'. Unless you abuse things like ø or ö or things like
these people do not normally have problem running them ( in spanish we
just have to avoid tildes in vowels and ñ and are fine ).

Francisco Olarte.

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