On Thu, 2016-10-20 at 13:51 +0200, Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
> I have the following SQL:
> SELECT * from table WHERE date BETWEEN to_timestamp('20.10.2016
> 00:00:00','DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND to_timestamp('20.10.2016
> 23:59:59','DD.MM.YYYY
> HH24:MI:SS')
> date is of type timestamp.
> I was expecting to get all the records that had datepart = 20.10.2016
> but I am not getting that..
> What am I missing?
> Regards,

I assume that you can use full stops as date separators.

Anyway, this will work:-

SELECT * from table WHERE TO_CHAR(date,'YYYYMMDD') = '20161020';


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