On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Israel Brewster <isr...@ravnalaska.net>

> >I'm still curious as to how I can track concurrent connections, ...
> Have you considered enabling the following  in postgresql.conf?
> log_connections=on
> log_disconnections=on
> It will put a bit of a bloat in you postgres log, but it will all allow
> you extract connects/disconnects over a time range. That should allow you
> to determine concurrent connections during that that.
> I do have those on, and I could write a parser that scans through the logs
> counting connections and disconnections to give a number of current
> connections at any given time. Trying to make it operate "in real time"
> would be interesting, though, as PG logs into different files by
> day-of-the-week (at least, with the settings I have), rather than into a
> single file that gets rotated out. I was kind of hoping such a tool, such
> as pgbadger (which, unfortunately, only seems to track connections per
> second and not consecutive connections), already existed, or that there was
> some way to have the database itself track this metric. If not, well, I
> guess that's another project :)
> -----------------------------------------------
> Israel Brewster
> Systems Analyst II
> Ravn Alaska
> 5245 Airport Industrial Rd
> Fairbanks, AK 99709
> (907) 450-7293
> -----------------------------------------------
> *Melvin Davidson*
> I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

*Does this help?*

*--Total concurrent connections*

*SELECT COUNT(*)  FROM pg_stat_activity;--concurrent connections by
userSELECT usename,       count(*) FROM pg_stat_activityGROUP BY 1ORDER BY
1;--concurrent connections by databaseSELECT datname,       usename,
count(*) FROM pg_stat_activityGROUP BY 1, 2ORDER BY 1, 2;*

*-- database connections by user*

*SELECT usename,       datname,       count(*) FROM pg_stat_activityGROUP
BY 1, 2ORDER BY 1, 2;-- *
*Melvin Davidson*
I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

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