Miguel Ramos <org.postgre...@miguel.ramos.name> writes:
> Às 15:40 de 12-07-2016, Tom Lane escreveu:
>> Unless you're running pg_restore under a really small ulimit, this would
>> seem to suggest some kind of memory leak in pg_restore itself.  I wonder
>> how many objects in your dump (how long is "pg_restore -l" output)?

> pg_restore -l | wc gives me:
>      1055    7984   70675

> It looks small to me.

Yeah, the archive TOC is clearly not large enough to cause any problem in
itself.  I'm wondering at this point about libpq buffer bloat.  We've
fixed a number of problems in that area over the last few years, though
in a quick review of the commit logs I don't see anything that clearly
bears on your problem.  (Commit 86888054a92aeca4 is pretty interesting
but applies to mostly-server-to-client data transfer, which is the wrong
direction.)  I wonder whether your data is such that loading it would
trigger a bunch of NOTICEs from the server?

Anyway, it would be useful to try running the restore with a more modern
version of pg_restore, to see if that helps.

                        regards, tom lane

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