Às 15:40 de 12-07-2016, Tom Lane escreveu:
Miguel Ramos <org.postgre...@miguel.ramos.name> writes:
We have backed up a database and now when trying to restore it to the
same server we get this:

# pg_restore -d recovery /mnt/paysdeloire2013_convertida2.1.dump
pg_restore: [custom archiver] out of memory

It looks to me like this error is pg_restore itself running out of memory,
not reporting a server-side OOM condition.  You could verify that by
looking in the server log to see whether any out-of-memory error appeared
there.  But assuming that I'm right, the other responses suggesting
tweaking server configurations are not on-point at all.

The logs of the last attempt are already gone.
Obviously, I'll keep tonight's logs.

Unless you're running pg_restore under a really small ulimit, this would
seem to suggest some kind of memory leak in pg_restore itself.  I wonder
how many objects in your dump (how long is "pg_restore -l" output)?

pg_restore -l | wc gives me:
    1055    7984   70675

It looks small to me.
We don't have a lot of tables, instead we have really huge tables.
We try to keep the schema normalized when possible, and we only don't do that when the resulting tuples become too small for PostgreSQL, when the row overhead becomes prohibitive.

- PostgreSQL 9.1.8 custom compiled to get 32kB blocks

9.1.8 is pretty old ...

Oh, I'll forward your email to those who were older than I, the many far wiser than I, but whose love of database servers is certainly not stronger than mine, by far.


Miguel Ramos

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