Artur, thanks for your reply. That's right, `%` does use the index. The
goal of using `similarity(lhs, rhs) >= show_limit()` was to replace
`show_limit()` with a custom, per-query limit. I noticed that the latter
approach does _not_ use the index, hence my question:

grn=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE city % 'warsw';
 Bitmap Heap Scan on restaurants  (cost=24.28..1319.36 rows=515 width=10)
(actual time=96.081..96.456 rows=400 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: ((city)::text % 'warsw'::text)
   Heap Blocks: exact=359
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on restaurants_city_gist_trgm_idx
 (cost=0.00..24.15 rows=515 width=0) (actual time=96.030..96.030 rows=400
         Index Cond: ((city)::text % 'warsw'::text)
 Planning time: 0.211 ms
 Execution time: 96.528 ms
(7 rows)

grn=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE similarity(city,
'warsw') >= show_limit();
                                                     QUERY PLAN

 Seq Scan on restaurants  (cost=0.00..11692.81 rows=171825 width=10)
(actual time=14.520..692.520 rows=400 loops=1)
   Filter: (similarity((city)::text, 'warsw'::text) >= show_limit())
   Rows Removed by Filter: 515075
 Planning time: 0.109 ms
 Execution time: 692.560 ms
(5 rows)

If this functionality isn't supported then it might be a good idea for a

Best regards

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Artur Zakirov <>

> Hello.
> As I know 'lhs % rhs' is equivalent to 'similarity(lhs, rhs) >=
> show_limit()'.
> And so your query should looks like this:
> SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE city % 'warsw';
> And it should use index.
> On 03.06.2016 13:35, Greg Navis wrote:
>> Hey!
>> I'm playing with pg_trgm. It seems that `lhs % rhs` is _almost_
>> equivalent to `similarity(lhs, rhs) < show_limit()`. The difference that
>> I noticed is that `%` uses a GIN index while `similarity` does not.
>> ```
>> grn=# \d restaurants
>>          Table "public.restaurants"
>>  Column |          Type          | Modifiers
>> --------+------------------------+-----------
>>  city   | character varying(255) | not null
>> Indexes:
>>     "restaurants_city_trgm_idx" gin (city gin_trgm_ops)
>> grn=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM restaurants;
>>  count
>> --------
>>  515475
>> (1 row)
>> Time: 45.964 ms
>> grn=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE similarity(city,
>> 'warsw') > show_limit();
>>                                                      QUERY PLAN
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  Seq Scan on restaurants  (cost=0.00..11692.81 rows=171825 width=10)
>> (actual time=16.436..665.062 rows=360 loops=1)
>>    Filter: (similarity((city)::text, 'warsw'::text) > show_limit())
>>    Rows Removed by Filter: 515115
>>  Planning time: 0.139 ms
>>  Execution time: 665.105 ms
>> (5 rows)
>> Time: 665.758 ms
>> ```
>> My question is: is it possible to make `similarity` use the index? If
>> not, is there a way to speed up the query above?
>> Best regards
>> --
>> Greg Navis
>> I help tech companies to scale Heroku-hosted Rails apps.
>> Free, biweekly scalability newsletter for SaaS CEOs
>> <>
> --
> Artur Zakirov
> Postgres Professional:
> Russian Postgres Company

Greg Navis
I help tech companies to scale Heroku-hosted Rails apps.
Free, biweekly scalability newsletter for SaaS CEOs

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