On 28.04.2016 17:50, Peter Devoy wrote:
Also do you  know that in perf report second column is the total cpu  time 
share and not the first
Thank you, I did notice they did not add up -- that makes more sense now.

Can you expand node from perf report
Yes, my pleasure.  I added "--call-graph fractal,2,callee" to the
command, hopefully it seems more useful:


To my amateur eye it seems like there is suspicious amount of memory &
thread management going on...?

Or this report is much more infomative and it is looks healthy =)!
At first glance i see that postgres is simply forking i.e. spawning child process for the new session. Creating new PG connection is slow process, even if your select is light fast total response time can be very long.

Have you ever heard about pgbouncer- the light Postgres connection pooler? It is placed between you app server and pg and proxing app server queries to pg server. pgbouncer have some constant number of connections to pg server and have some sort of queue on incoming connection from app server.

TL;DR Use pgbouncer between app server and Postgres =)

Alex Ignatov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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