On 28.04.2016 1:11, Peter Devoy wrote:
I have now done a recording for 60 seconds during a batch of 1000
requests and posted the results on a new issue on the Mapnik repo.

Although Postgres still comes out on top in the perf results I
struggle to believe this is a Postgres issue.  But, if anyone is
curious, the issue is here:

I may come back here if I don't have luck with the Mapnik developers.

All the best

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On 27 April 2016 at 16:45, Peter Devoy <pe...@3xe.co.uk> wrote:
If you really want to profile this, you should fire it off in a tight loop, 
using wget or ab2 or curl.
Thanks Jeff, that sounds like a smart idea.  I will try later when I
have access to the server.

Hi! What do you want to see in perf stats? Maybe you can explain your problem 
more in details?
Hi Alex )  I am hoping to find out which function calls are taking the
longest because to the code is taking too long to only parse a small
XML file and do a few quick database queries.  The last version of
this software was able to do a lot more in the same period of time.  I
realise this most likely a client software issue but was hoping it may
be obvious whether Mapnik is spending too much time with Postgres.

Unfortunately I may just have to try again to build Mapnik from source
so that I can get debugging/profiling output, etc. -- I was hoping to
avoid it because it is quite painful.
Can you expand node from perf report where 33.55% and 13.37% and 38.04% 38.04%. PS Also do you know that in perf report second column is the total cpu time share and not the first ? And that is why total sum of second column is 100% but sum from first can be != 100%? First column is the % of time when child function(procedure) is working relative to main proc time.

Alex Ignatov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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