On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 04:53:20PM -0700, David G. Johnston wrote:

> The docs could probably use improvement here - though I am inferring
> behavior from description and not code.
> The create option tells restore that it is pointless to use conditions or
> actively drop objects since the newly created database is expected to be
> empty.  The --clean option will cause pg_restore to drop the database if it
> exists but only the database.  The --if-exists option would seem to be
> extraneous.
> The clean option with create seems to be misleading since the advice later
> in the document is to ensure the created database is empty by using
> template0 - which you cannot specify directly within pg_restore and so
> createdb or an equivalent command should be used to stage up the empty
> database before performing a simple (no create or clean) restore.
> I'm not certain why the create database command constructed when specifying
> --create isn't just defaulted to template0...and for completeness a
> --template option added for user template specification

The thing is, even when defaulting --create to template0 it
would contain a copy of the PUBLIC schema from template0,
which is then attempted to be restored from the dump, if

As Adrian pointed out, that's not a problem as the restore
continues anyway (which I was able to confirm).

However, pg_restore.c seems to suggest

        420  /* done, print a summary of ignored errors */
        421  if (AH->n_errors)
        422  fprintf(stderr, _("WARNING: errors ignored on restore: %d\n"),
        423  AH->n_errors);
        425  /* AH may be freed in CloseArchive? */
        426  exit_code = AH->n_errors ? 1 : 0;
        428  CloseArchive(AH);

that the exit code is set to 1 if any errors ensued (but were
ignored). Thusly the restore may have succeeded semantically
but is still flagged as (technically) failed. That wouldn't
be a problem if the condition


could be differentiated from


at the exit code level since the latter outcome can be
expected to happen under the circumstances described above.

Am I thinking the wrong way ?

The reason being, of course, that I want to check the exit
code in a pg_restore wrapper script.

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