On 03/12/2016 03:09 PM, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
Debian Stretch
PG 9.5.1
I am trying to pg_restore from a directory dump.
However, despite using
I am getting an error because schema PUBLIC already exists.
That schema is, indeed, included in the dump to be restored
and also cannot be omitted from either the dump or the
restore because it still contains a few relevant things which
I haven't yet moved to their own app specific schema.
I am assuming (wrongly ?) that pg_restore uses template1 to
re-create the target database. I had to re-create template1
today from template0 (as is suggested) because I erroneously
added a few tables to template1 earlier. So, the newly
created target DB will, indeed, contain a schema PUBLIC
That should not (?) matter however, because of the above
options which I would have expected to drop the schema before
(re)creating it (--clean).
Here is the log:
sudo -u postgres pg_restore --verbose --create --clean --if-exists
--exit-on-error --disable-triggers --dbname=template1 -p 5432
pg_restore: verbinde mit der Datenbank zur Wiederherstellung
pg_restore: entferne DATABASE gnumed_v20
pg_restore: erstelle DATABASE „gnumed_v20“
pg_restore: verbinde mit neuer Datenbank „gnumed_v20“
pg_restore: verbinde mit Datenbank „gnumed_v20“ als Benutzer „postgres“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „au“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „audit“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „bill“
pg_restore: erstelle COMMENT „SCHEMA bill“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „blobs“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „cfg“
pg_restore: erstelle COMMENT „SCHEMA cfg“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „clin“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „de_de“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „dem“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „gm“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „i18n“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „pgtrgm“
pg_restore: erstelle SCHEMA „public“
pg_restore: [Archivierer (DB)] Fehler in Phase PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [Archivierer (DB)] Fehler in Inhaltsverzeichniseintrag 8;
2615 2200 SCHEMA public postgres
pg_restore: [Archivierer (DB)] could not execute query: FEHLER: Schema
„public“ existiert bereits
Die Anweisung war: CREATE SCHEMA public;
I am sure I am doing something wrong, but what ?
Did it actually fail or did it just throw an error?
In other words did the restore continue past the error?
Adrian Klaver
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