Karsten Hilbert <karsten.hilb...@gmx.net> writes:
> On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 11:12:09AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Hm.  I just tried running a pg_upgrade here on a 9.4 database containing
>> pg_trgm 1.1, and didn't see any particular problem, so there's some
>> additional factor needed to cause your result.  Hard to tell what.
>> Can you think of anything unusual about the history of your installation?

> No, other than that that cluster has been upgraded all the
> way from, I think, 8.4 over several Debian releases ;)

A suggestion is to run the pg_upgrade with -r switch, which will leave a
litter of files in your working directory.  Some of them will be named
like pg_upgrade_dump_NNN.custom and should be custom-format, schema-only
dumps of your 9.4 installation's databases.  If you'd be willing to send
those to me off-list, maybe I could figure out what's happening.

It occurs to me that this might actually be related to the issue you
saw in "dump" mode --- if there's some unresolved circular dependency,
it could cause pg_dump to dump things in an unexpected order, which
could possibly explain the message we're seeing.  But that's just a

                        regards, tom lane

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